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Usui Reiki

Reiki treatments are gentle and relaxing, working to balance the body's energy system. During the treatment, you may experience warmth, coolness or a slight tingling sensation. Some people also see light or colours during the treatment. Still others experience only a deep sense of relaxation - or even fall asleep! These are all things you may feel, but the experience of Reiki is different for everyone.  The intuitive practice of Usui Reiki means every treatment you will receive from me is tailored to you and your own needs at that time.

You will be fully clothed for your Reiki treatment, although I will ask you to remove your shoes. During the session my hands will make only gentle contact with or hover slightly above your body.

Fees for all Reiki and Reiki Drum Healing sessions are £25 per treatment. If you would like to experience this highly effective healing technique please feel free to contact me.

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The Japanese characters in the word Reiki are usually translated as 'Universal Life Energy’ but other translations of the word include 'Soul Energy' and 'Mysterious Spirit'. Reiki energy rebalances the whole person in mind, body and spirit. Reiki empowers your own innate healing ability - it helps you to heal yourself.

Omala Holistic Therapies

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